Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fashion Design @ Art Center

    Many people doesn't know that Art Center has classes open to HighSchool Students:
                                        Saturday High
They have classes throughout the whole year!!((YEAH
The next Register deadline is April 25.
For those of you who is interested in Arts, Design, Hurry and sign up for the class!!! :)
I'm currently enrolled in the class of Fashion Design.
A afternoon class, for more info check out their website above.
It is a class where you bring YOUR SEWING MACHINE to class EVERYDAY!!
It is a class where you have a chance to get all materials applied to sewing.
It is a class where you learn the basic of sewing and to MAKE YOUR OWN DRESS!!!
It is a class where you will need to find a model to fit the garment.
It is a class where you go to  MOOD and buy Fabrics with great adviser-Julyn.
It is a class where you got a chance to have a SHOWOFF TIME!

We have two instructors! Bunch of working spaces, and dress form:) Oh yes, GREAT MUSIC!
(Thanks to the TA:D)

Although we have 10 weeks to finish our designs, it may sounds like a long time, but it went by really fast.
I am making TWO DRESSES, it has been a great experience, but in the past 9 weeks, I was exhausted.
I spent most of my Fridays, and Saturdays, sometimes Sunday to finish my looks.
(Did that explained why I haven't post anything for so long? :P )
Now, I am Almost done with both of the looks, but I still need to work on the details a lot during this precious Spring Break.

I love my looks, they are both really glamorous, and chic.
I will post the pictures of the PhotoShoot week, last week, next Saturday.
Yeahhhh, I am really excited for both the PHOTOSHOOT by the photography class
and THE FASHION SHOW in December.

Here are some SNEAK PEEK :)

JULYN demonstrating DRAPING on the Mannequin

At MOOD(one of my Model-Rachel Huang)

Work in progress

Basically what I HAVE to bring to class EVERY TIME.

MEECHEER it is. :)

Patterns for my dress.

Half finish -First Look.

Second Week, Critiques&Comments form peers of our sketches.

Work in progress.

  Voila, the Fashion Design Class that I'm taking right now.
FUN funfunfun.

Cost of two dresses:
$160 (total cost of all fabrics, tulle, and boning)

HEYYYY I still have some sweet Fashion to share with you guys:

They spent, I believe, a long time to come up with a great categorize guide for all of you fashionistas.

YSL's heels just got sexier: Elongated base Defined our pretty ankles.


Forever21- $25.80
Valentino went with chic and Sweet:


I'm truly chewing on the nude color of everything because it gives us a great body illusion.


from Various Movies... :D

A Cute Video
*Oui- "wee" means yes, but the guys thought the other said wii... LOL

Comment, please, I will answer Questions in the next post :D
Thank you for reading this, it mean a lot to me!!


Quilted with Indigo

MEECHEER Quilted Denim Sweater with fur lining in hood Took 2 hrs to quilt the front and back. This is so worth it. xoxo Meecheer Huang