Friday, December 30, 2011

Teresa Chen with Meecheer

I hope you all had some fabulous Christmas vacation.

I'm here to share with you some pictures of Teresa wearing my creation :D

She is an XtraSmall size, so it was sort of a challenge.

Not being able to fit it on the form, I have to be really precise about her measurements.

Eventually it turned out great! 

Teresa Chen styled Meecheer's leopard  faux-fur cape-esque top  with shorts
and combat boots and a circle scarf.
Courtesy of Teresa Chen.

Here's the second look :

Her order of an off-shoulder faux fur sweater.

Courtesy of Teresa Chen.

Sleeves are the hardest pattern to draft, for me.
To not make the sleeves puffy and the shoulder flat took me a couple cuts to get it right.
Here's an overview of what it supposed to look like:

The one she's wearing is the second generation of  the one above!
Shorter sweater and sleeves .
Wider waist and neckline.
and no black extension.

I will have more pictures sharing with you all in the future! :)

What people are talking about :

Violent Lips     <- Good for new year!

Great Great finds for you to be daring and bold at the party.

They cost from $10.00~$14.95.
Each packet has three tattoos .
Get it now and enjoy free shipping when you spend $30 or more.
That means you pick the two coolest ones and you can mix and match!

At last!!

happy 2012 to all .


Quilted with Indigo

MEECHEER Quilted Denim Sweater with fur lining in hood Took 2 hrs to quilt the front and back. This is so worth it. xoxo Meecheer Huang