Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trip to inspirations

Salute tout le monde!
Hi everyone!

I hope you didn't miss me too much. ((and I am still on your reading list. x)

I have been on vacation ever since I graduated from high school.
Of course, I didn't stop paying attention to the fashion going on around the world.

France and Taiwan were wonderful places.

They are both creative countries.

I felt like I was on a hunt for inspirations and new ideas to put in my new creation.

La Tour Eiffel la nuit.
Eiffel Tower at night.
Taken from the Bateaux Mouches (Tourist boat).
By MEECHEER with HTC Status.

Paris, France

The city of Love, Romance and Fashion.

Being a first-timer to Paris, I didn't know what to expect. Does Paris smell? Really? Every body says it smells. Do everyone dresses fashionably? Am I gonna see Designers streaming down the streets? Is there going to be a fashion show?

Oh lala, excited I was.
((Oh lala- an expression indicated varied emotions: surprised, depressed, angry.. etc.))

Hey, let's get this clear, I was in Paris with my French teacher, Christina Vaughan, and my fellow French classmates- 15 people.
Our schedule was FULL, full. It was crazy. We visited a ton of museums in 8 days. Eight days were short, but it was enough for me to fall in love with Paris. :)

Getting off the plane, waiting for the cab to take us to our apartment-hotel. Paris was actually no differ from another ordinary city. Maybe because it was night time and we were all tired....

@Simply Market shopping for gorceries
in the aisle of CHOCOLATE
wearing Forever 21 cardigan
The next morning, something very French hit me .... NO. A lot.

First, it was cold. It was no simple COLD. The wind that blew in your face, it felt like Paris.
It was fresh and french!!

Second, everyone was speaking French, even us. En fait, actually, we were forced to speak French.

Third, guess what we had for breakfast? French Baguette and Cheese & Nutella.
The bread was bought freshly from a small bakery near us.
It was everything you can imagine. The touch and the smell of the baguette. Just like in Ratatouille.

Lastly, it was the streets of Paris. Beautiful.

On top of Arc de Triomphe
see Inspiration!!!
Paris is a beautiful city.
If you seek inspirations and ideas, you'd get them.
You'd get them from the people, the food, the streets and the essential romantic elements in France.

I see Paris through an admiring and artsy way and love every single part of it.
No, not the sort of smelly metro... not as much.

So, I will have you take a "Picture Trip" through my vision since everyone likes to see picture better.


Oh no, this is no ordinary soda. It is red soda with pulps in it.
The special combination of real fruit and soda!!
Back to the Market.
The special tomatoes.
see Inspirations!!!

The old french man stopped and talked to us because we were drawn to his dog...
How nice?
Look at him, he's got that collar contrast going on, adding a pop to his outfit!
Stop anywhere on the streets and you look up.
Ornate decorations crawling over their vintage building.
We never know what's happening behind those windows...
Maybe a famous designer's studio?
The day happened to be the fireman's day.
Anywhere you see-FIREMEN!

Its the second day. Hey look, really, creativity everywhere! :)

Yes, we've seen this. Windows reflecting the sky.
But no, this is in Paris.
Don't you think they just take this to a whole new level?
With the semi-circle windows and everything?
In Paris, we don't see the little blue cubical, we see this cool-ooking toilet?

Paris, STOP.
Stop being so special.
Just imagine what would be behind that door...

@ Jardin du Luxembroug :

Being inspired by nature.

Why not take a day off to the park.
Watch your kid play.
Grab a magazine and catch up to the latest fashion.

What are they looking at?
What are they looking for?

What do they see?

In the world of fashion
We'd have to stop and look.
We look to the left, interest
We look forward, foresee
We look down, in the past
Seek the inspirations
that change our lives

Rent the boat
Join the kids
Be a sailor
for once
We have arrived at the door of Panthéon.


On top of Panthéon with Eiffel Tower.
Meecheer wearing Forever 21 Romper. HA. 

Find your Shakespeare here.
Near Notre Dame Cathedrale

Every Cafe is finding their way to draw you closer..

The third day, - with MONA LISA at the LOUVRE museum.

The legend proven, MONA LISA IS TINY!!!

Did not jog down the name of the artist, I feel terrible.
When I first saw this, I saw the couture happening in this painting.
She has some brilliant neckline decor.

Never have I forgotten to look up.
To see this world in an unique angle.

I wore 4 layers of clothing that day because it was exceptionally cold in Paris.
It even rained!!

You know what it means...
Paris in the rain - Extra Romantic!!!

Being in the rain and seeing the streets being polished, it was like in the movies.
"Don't you think Paris is prettier in the rain?"-Midnight in Paris.

MEECHEER @ a Vintage Sunday Market

These vintage fashion could cost you a fortune because all they carry were the names of big designers.
Oh lala

After the Louvre and rain and street walking... we visited a friend for dinner.
Passing the experience of a life time- being at a French house, eating French food, cheese, tasting wine, and speaking exclusively in French. :)

Ending the day a little bit dizzy, filled with joy and love.

Merci Madame..

((The drinking age in France is 18, what is America doing?  (x  ))

The fourth day in Paris, we finally visited the land mark - with Romance at Eiffel Tower.

At the bottom of Eiffel Tower.
Yes, we CLIMBED the Eiffel Tower!!!
More than 600 steps... 674 steps to be exact..!!
It was quite a work out.

Not yet on top of the tower....
I can't afford to think about being there...
My heart may explode!! :D

Still going up.....

And we have arrived!!!
From left : Elizabeth Young, MEECHEER, Jenny Zeng, Joanna Fann.
Photo from Jenny Zeng

Paris looked so cute.
Paris looked like pieces of cheese.

I think being on top of Eiffel Tower put you in the mood of being a Parisian.
I did not want to come down from it... but the night is calling.
The bateaux mouches was calling!!! :D

Here is the photo of photos of Paris at night.-using App PicsArt .

Fell in Love once again.
The song La Vie en Rose put people in the mood of love...

The fifth day arrived. -with Monet, Rodin and Thinker at the Musee d'Orsay and Rodin.

Photo taking is forbidden at Musee d'Orsay... :(

The Thinker.

What is it?
It's the magical berries.
You think you can see what lies inside, how it tastes

But before you try, it's a surprise.

Women are to dress mysteriously.
Beneath that make-up and the trench coat
May be the ......?

The pole outside of the Rodin museum.
Covered with free admission stickers for kids.
Now there, this is not "I stick them where ever I want"
They did this in a gradient fashion!

when I took a second look at this picture, I think I've forgotten something here:We are in Paris
Note the cute girl at the back...
Simple top and cardigan, but dazzled by her sparkly toms.
She had the right amount of focus.

The sixth day, feel like a princess. -with Marie Antoinette and The Royalties at Versailles.

Hall of mirrors

The one side of Hall of mirrors, is pretty enough.

I love the carvings and reliefs located in and out of the palace, everywhere.

Oh yes and the can get lost in it if you dont have a map.. Seriously.
OR! you walk till your legs can no longer support your body.... :P

Which way should you take?

Here is a picture for textile designers, graphic designers.
Love the patterns!! :)

This  Orange juice was squeezed on the spot by a hot looking French man.
Cost me 2 euros, it was worth it!!
Me wearing Foreign exchange blouse

Our day ended with local French food, it can not be more French- Escargot!! -with Snails and funny waiter at L'Escargot Restaurant.

In other words, cooked snails.

Grab a napkin and be prepared to wipe your mouth!! :D

Meat, cheese, potatoes, bread, salad, stake, wine and escargot.
Mmmm, the yummiest meal of all times! :)

You asked if escargot was nasty!!??
Oh no. No, it tasted wonderful, I had two. hah.
It tasted like butter and garlic and sort of chicken.

Nothing is better than a new experience to end a day like this.

The last full day in Paris. - with someone, fashion and excitement at The Catacomb, Galerie Lafayette and Carnival in the park.

Catacomb is an underground tunnel, well place, where they store human remains and spirit....?

It felt like a hunted house walk.

I don't feel like posting pictures here is appropriate, but I will give you the link about it!!

Whew, have fun, if you wish. :)

Galerie Lafayette is a Mall where they'd have Louis Vuitton in every floor and Chanel have different sstores in accessories, bags, men's and women's.

Luckily, we weren't the only one who did not buy anything, and just wanted to feel the fashion in Paris.

SOLDES it means on sale!
Even though it says they are on sale, they are still over 100 euros, but you'd pay for what it worth!
These are fine materials!! :D

Excitement!! what is it?

A ride at the Carnival near the park of the Louvre.

I screamed for more than three minutes and watched Paris flipped upside down.


The ride cost me 10 euros, for a YOLO-ish experience. It was worth it.

The last day in Paris. -with everyone at the Fashion Show hosted by Galerie Lafayette

What ?
A Fashion show in Paris?
It's like Dream come true.


To attend a free Fashion Show in Paris.
Go to La Galerie Lafayette.
They have free fashion shows every Friday.
Reservations required!

Too bad we could not take any pictures from the fashion show, but it sure stayed in my mind for a long time.

It is a free fashion show hosted by the mall with featured and "new this week" looks.
It was a fantastic show, and we were, or I was sitting at the end of runway-wonderful! :)

Thanks to my teacher because she knows this means a lot to me and asked the host to put me as close as possible to the show.

Merci Madame, encore!! :D

I have to say thanks to a lot of people who made this trip possible.
My family and teacher and so many more

((my trip didn't end here, but Paris ended....))

Photo by Jenny Zeng.
On the airplane, going back?
Thank you for reading this blog!!
I hope you were inspired or as least enjoyed pictures of Paris.

The best summer ever!! :D

Best Wishes


Quilted with Indigo

MEECHEER Quilted Denim Sweater with fur lining in hood Took 2 hrs to quilt the front and back. This is so worth it. xoxo Meecheer Huang